Bugs bugs bugs and cheats
1. Why do you allow cheaters on here? I see scores for tournaments that are impossible to get even with a perfect game. People just hack away and put any score they want. I am surprised that developers are still not aware of tools that can hack your code at the low levels.
2. The ghosts have a tendency to stay in a single pattern no matter what you do. Its happened in the corners and in the middle of the screen, making getting all the ghosts nearly impossible , if not so. Why is the AI this way? How did QA not catch this? Do you just push stuff out without testing ?
3. Pac man does not respond to quick swipes thus making fast directional changes fail, something a joystick would help with. I know you support joysticks but not everyone has that. The swiping mechanism needs improvement
Usmsci about
PAC-MAN Premium, v6.2.0